الأستاذة الدكتورة / سلمي فؤاد دوارة

Professor Doctor / Salma Fouad Dowara

o    Coordinator of Health and Population Committee – National Council for Women (NCW)
o    Advisor/Counsellor of Galala University President for Health Sector
o    Founding Dean Faculty of Medicine – Galala University
o    Emeritus Professor of General Surgery-Cairo University
o    Founder and Former Head of General Surgery Department-Army Forced College of Medicine (AFCM)
o    Member in the Scientific Board of the Egyptian Fellowship of General Surgery
o    Former Director of the Medical Education Development Centre (MEDC) - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University
o    Chairperson of the Egypt Women Surgeons Forum – American College of Surgeons (ACS)
o    Member in Health and Population Committee; National Council of Women (NCW) since its establishment
o    Former National Trainer with Harvard University Team

o    M.B.B.Ch. December 1977, Cairo University
o    Master in General Surgery May 1981, Cairo University
o    M.D. in General Surgery May 1991, Cairo University
o    ILETS in English Language ,UK
o    Post Graduate Diploma of Medical Education, Dundee University, UK
o    International Certified Trainer (CT) and Human Resource (HR)
Counsellor/Developer from International Board for Certifying Trainers (IBCT) in February 2008.
o    TOT Harvard University Team in management, strategy, quality and leadership 2009.
o    Teaching to Teachers (T2T) School of Medicine, Harvard University, 2021.
Experience and Membership:
o    Development of Guidelines and clinical standards for General authority for Healthcare Accreditation and Regulation (GAHAR)
o    Curriculum Development ,Teaching Methodology ,Examination Methods and Instructional materiel design (Dundee University )
o    Development of Clinical Learning Guides and Clinical Checklists (USAID)
o    Chair Reviewer and Peer Reviewer in quality assurance and accreditation in higher education (QAAP)
o    Consultant with National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Education ( NAQAAE)
o    Training of Trainers (TOT) from Faculty and Leadership Development Project
o    Master of Training of Trainers (MTOT) in Cairo University
o    Risk management studies , Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
o    The Role Model Professor(the Ideal) in Faculty of Medicine Cairo University and the Medical Syndicate
o    Surveyor for hospital accreditation
o    Bioethics Committee in the national UNESCO
o    Bioethics Committee in the Ministry State of Scientific Research
o    The Egyptian delegate in the 5th meeting of IGBC(Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee),UNESCO, Paris 19-20 July 2007
o    Alliance for Arab Women
o    Medical    Education    Development    Centre,    Faculty    of    Medicine,    Cairo University(MEDC)
o    Egyptian Red Crescent
o    Friends of Kasr El Aini Society.
o    Idol lady choused by the General Organization of Culture Palaces, Ministry of Culture, in the Egyptian Women's Day.
o    Ideal Mother – Galala University -March 2023 Egyptian delegate in the International Committee of Bioethics UNESCO (2010- 2013).
o    Workshop: Arab Spring to Arab Summer-Women's Rights in Constitutions, UK
o    Debate Workshop: Training of Trainers ,October ,2011-Amman-Jordan with British Council
Links to Publications :

 List of Publications:

o    Google Scholar
o    Research Gate
o    Scopus Author ID
o    ORCID : 0000-0002-2114-5095
o    Sharing in (Practice Guidelines for Family Physicians),6 volumes, Ministry of Health and Population
o    Wellness Guidelines, 2 versions; English and Arabic
o    Sharing in the Fundamentals of General Surgery text book, Cairo University
o    Sharing in the Clinical Learning Guides and Clinical Checklists Series (USAID)
o    Booklet of How to Write and Mark Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

List of Researches and Articles:
•    MS thesis , Clinicopathological Aspects of Parotid Tumors, 1981.
•    MD thesis, Effect of Gastrointestinal Disease on Nutritional Status of Patients and the Outcome of Treatment, 1985.
•    Other Researches:
(1)    Conservative VS Surgical Treatment of Liver Injuries. New Egyptian Journal of Medicine, September, 1994
(2)    Severe Lower GI Bleeding. New Egyptian Journal of Medicine, September, 1994.
(3)    Typhoid Ileal Perforation. Medical Journal of Cairo University in September, 1995.
(4)    Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage: Accuracy in predicting necessary laparotomy following both blunt and penetrating trauma. Medical Journal of Cairo
University in December, 1992.
(5)    A Comparative Study between Post Operative Complication in
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy VS Open Cholecystectomy. Medical Journal of Cairo University in March, 1996.
(6)    Mammary Duct Ectasia: An overlooked syndrome. Medical Journal of Cairo University in March, 1996.
(7)    Primary Repair of Colon Injuries: a prospective randomized trial. Medical Journal of Cairo University in September, 1999.
(8)    Is There New in the Management of hydatid Liver Cysts? Medical Journal of Cairo University, September 2001.
(9)    Lymphatic Mapping and Sentinel Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer.    Medical Journal of Cairo University, September2001.
(10)    Can the Occurrence Of Bile Duct Injuries During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Be Brought Closer To Zero? Scientific Medical Journal in April 2001.
(11)    Is Cholecystectomy Effective for HIDA Scan Diagnosed Gallbladder Dyskinesia Patients? Medical Journal of Cairo University in December, 1999.
(12)    Extra peritoneal Approach for Varicocelectomy (Preliminary Study).Published in the new Egyptian Journal of Medicine in August, 2000.
(13)    Laparoscopic Inguino-femoral Herniorrhaphy: Different Modalities of Repair. Kasr El Aini Journal of Surgery in January 2001.
(14)    Surgical Experience in Wire Guided Excisional Breast Biopsy of the Non Palpable Breast Lesions. Medical journal of Cairo University in June 2001.
(15)    Retrospective Analysis of Needle and Trocar Laparoscopic Injuries. In the Medical Journal of Cairo University. Accepted for publishing in April 2000.
(16)    Role of MEDC in Faculty Development. Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, Vol.17,
No, February 2011
(17)    Structured Learning in Clinical Ethics (SLICE)-Reflection real situation in Kasr El-Aini School of Medicine, Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, Vol.17, No 2,
(18)    Self-assessment in the Teaching Process Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal,
Vol.17, No 3, October 2011
(19)    Work-based Assessment, Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, Vol.18, No 1,
January 2012
(20)    Task-based Learning, Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, Vol.18, No 2, April 2012
(21)    Teaching, Learning and Assessing Professionalism Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, Vol. 19, No 1, January 2013
(22)    Standard Setting in Student Assessment, Kasr El-Aini Medical Journal, April 2013
Supervised many thesis :( MS and MD in General Surgery and Family Medicine)
•    Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage in abdominal trauma, 1994
•    Preventive trauma death, 1995.
•    Retrospective study of Breast Conservative Therapy in early breast cancer, 1996.
•    Clinico-pathological aspects of bleeding per nipple, 1994.
•    Primary repair of colon injuries. A prospective randomized trial, 1999.
•    Partial Subfascial Abdominoplasty technique aiming to reduce incidence of seroma, 2000.
•    Role of family physician in reducing the incidence of lower limb amputation in diabetics, 2004.
•    Reconstruction of soft tissue defects of the thumb, 2006
•    Palliative Management of Malignant Obstructive Jaundice; endoscopic versus surgical approach,2006
•    Role of Family physician in early diagnosis of breast and female genital cancers
•    The Role of Family Medicine in Improving Quality of medical Service and Medical Education,2011
•    Role of the Family Physician in prevention of Foot Complications in Diabetes Mellitus,2011
•    Role of Family Physician in early diagnosis and referral of genetic diseases in primary health care
•    Role of family physician in prevention and management of hepatitis C cases,2011
•    Assessment Of Performance Of Family Health Service Providers In Some Units In Qaliubiya,2013
•    Efficacy of the Management of Node Negative Early Stage Breast Cancer Using 1% Methylene Blue in Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy,2019
•    Laparoscopic TAPP Repair of Inguinal Hernia: Different Methods of Mesh Fixation,2021

المجلس القومي للمرأة يواصل فعاليات برنامج ريادة الأعمال بمحافظة الشرقية

في اطار المشروع القومى لتنمية الأسرة المصرية ، وتنفيذا للمبادره الرئاسيه" حياه كريمه " يواصل فرع المجلس القومي للمرأة بمحافظة الشرقية سلسله تدريبات رياده الاعمال لتمكين السيدات اقتصاديا ، وذلك بقرى المحافظة ، خلال الفترة من ٥ وحتى ١٢ ابريل ٢٠٢٢. يذكر أن برنامج ريادة الأعمال يستهدف تدريب ١٣٦ ألف سيدة على إدارة مشروعاتهن ، و يتضمن تعريف السيدات بمبادئ التخطيط ، والتسويق ،والمفاهيم الأساسية لريادة الأعمال كالإبتكار وتقييم الفرص  وإدارة الوقت والمسؤوليات وتحديد الأولويات ، بالإضافة إلى شرح نموذج العمل التجاري وقواعد المحاسبة وخطوات تسجيل وترخيص أى مشروع جديد ، كذلك التعرف على عدد من الجهات التى تقدم خدمات المشروعات الصغيرة والمتناهية الصغر و التى يمكن للسيدات الاستفادة من خدماتها  .  

الثلاثاء 12 أبريل 2022 02:28 م