- President Africa Business Council
- Chair of Trade Promotion Committee, COMESA Business Council
(Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa)
- Vice Chair of PAFTRAC (Pan African Private Sector Committee for Trade and
- Founder and Chair of African Training Center for Women and Youth
Entrepreneurs and support of SMEs
(Hatshepsut Women Business Development Center and Business Incubator)
- Past International President International Federation for Business and Professional Women.
- President of African Alliance for Women Empowerment.
- President of the African Congress for Women Entrepreneurs
- Chair of FEMNET (African’s Women Development and Communication Network)
- President of Egyptian Business Women Association (EBWA)
- Honorary president of BPW Egypt (Business and Professional Women Egypt)
- Chairperson of COMFWB –Egypt (FEMCOM) (Federation of Business Women
Associations of COMESA
- President of Organization of Women in Trade OWIT – Egypt Chapter
- Secretary General African Society for Scientific Research and Technology
Dr. Amany Asfour is graduated from Faculty of Medicine – Cairo University and had her Master Degree & M.D. degree in Pediatrics at the National Research Center of Egypt.
She joined the private sector since she was a student at the Faculty of Medicine. Within few years she was able to establish her company for Health Care Management and Medical equipment with more than 30 brands
Her interests were not limited to establishing her private business only but soon she realized the importance of creating an organization targeting Economic Empowerment of Women, Young Women Entrepreneurship Promotion and Creating New jobs and Descent work for women, Empowering women through Trade and Access to Market. As a result, she established the Egyptian Business Women Association in 1995 with the objectives of promoting young generations of Women Entrepreneurs & giving guidance to women business owners of Small & Medium enterprises, increasing role of women in the value chain and value addition.
Dr. Asfour than established The Federation of Business & Professional Women BPW – Egypt
From her belief that financial independence for women gives them the Power of Choice & Voice, she directed her activities toward Economic Empowerment of Women, Capacity Building, Development of Human Resources & to stress on equal opportunity for girls and women for education & training and promotion of Women in Science and Technology and STEM Education (Science. Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
From her belief that African Women Should have one voice and that Empowerment of African Women is the Key for Africa’s development and prosperity Dr. Asfour founded the African Alliance for Women Empowerment (AFRAWE) which has focal points all over Africa & its main target is Women Empowerment in Africa & establishing projects and marketing of products for women entrepreneurs and women owners of small & medium enterprises in the African continent for Africa's economic Growth and increasing Intra Africa Trade ..
Dr. Asfour is the founder and Chair of the African Congress for Women Entrepreneurs.
Dr Asfour is also elected as the Chair of COMFWB ( FEMCOM)-Egypt Federation of Business Women Associations in the COMESA Region (Common Market for Eastern & Southern African) .Dr Asfour was also elected as the Chair of the COMESA Business Council the apex Body of Private sector in COMESA and she is the first Woman to chair this organization for 2 terms till 2018 .She is working on the Economic Integration of Africa and she has established her new company Africa Vision for the Economic Integration of Africa through increasing Intra Africa Trade and implementing the Africa Continental Free Trade Area and the Africa We want .
Dr. Asfour also believes in the importance of Scientific Research & Technology for development she is the Secretary General of the African Society for Scientific Research & Technology where her target is Accelerating Industrialization in Africa through Technology and Scientific Research and Adding Value to the raw materials of Africa. Also promotion of Women in Science & Technology and transfer of technology for women in Business in all fields especially Agriculture and Agribusiness and support of SMEs. Dr Asfour is elected in November 2021 the President of Africa Business Council which is established in line with the African Heads of States Decision Summit for boosting Intra Africa Trade and implementation of AfCFTA to be the voice of African Private Sector.
Dr. Asfour is awarded many awards from Egypt, Africa, Arab world, Islamic world and from all over the world.
حملات صوتك لمصر بكرة 2018، 2019 تم تنفيذ عدد (2) حملة توعوية انطلقت على مستوى القرى والنجوع والكفور بكافة المحافظات للتثقيف والتعريف بأهمية مشاركة الناخبات والتوجه للإدلاء بأصواتهن في الاستحقاق الرئاسي 2018، والتعديلات الدستورية 2019، استفادت منها (6,705,441) وتضمنتا التالي من فعاليات:
طرق أبواب {5,432,306}.
فعاليات توعوية متنوعة {احتفاليات / ندوات تثقيفية 1,273,135}.
الأربعاء 22 أبريل 2020 10:21 م المزيد
في اطار المشروع القومى لتنمية الأسرة المصرية ، وتنفيذا للمبادره الرئاسيه" حياه كريمه " يواصل فرع المجلس القومي للمرأة بمحافظة الشرقية سلسله تدريبات رياده الاعمال لتمكين السيدات اقتصاديا ، وذلك بقرى المحافظة ، خلال الفترة من ٥ وحتى ١٢ ابريل ٢٠٢٢. يذكر أن برنامج ريادة الأعمال يستهدف تدريب ١٣٦ ألف سيدة على إدارة مشروعاتهن ، و يتضمن تعريف السيدات بمبادئ التخطيط ، والتسويق ،والمفاهيم الأساسية لريادة الأعمال كالإبتكار وتقييم الفرص وإدارة الوقت والمسؤوليات وتحديد الأولويات ، بالإضافة إلى شرح نموذج العمل التجاري وقواعد المحاسبة وخطوات تسجيل وترخيص أى مشروع جديد ، كذلك التعرف على عدد من الجهات التى تقدم خدمات المشروعات الصغيرة والمتناهية الصغر و التى يمكن للسيدات الاستفادة من خدماتها .
الثلاثاء 12 أبريل 2022 02:28 م